Monday, December 26, 2011

Smaller Government

What are these people talking about when they talk about smaller gov't. They want to be able to do as they please without govt intervention. They want more personal responsibility.

Let us remember, slavery was ended in 1865 and for the next 100 years blacks were discriminated against and it took gov't to make a social change. Prior to 1965 when gov't was smaller, whites discriminated against blacks at will. Now that white people own 99.9% of business and the means of living they want to talk about, smaller gov't again. It was gov't that was the only thing that was big enough to make states desegregate schools. Because whites refused to let blacks go to the school of their choice. It was gov't that was the only entity big enough to make business give a black man a job or an equal oppritunity and they didn't want to do that. It was gov't that made some states give blacks the "right" to vote and they are still trying to take away minority voting rights. It was gov't that had to ensure public accommodations, and we are still removing white only signs. It took gov't to ensure that a black man recieved fair treatment under the law. And no-one can tell you that to this day that, discrimination, racial prejudice and bigotry is gone, so whites continue to discriminate to this day. A black man wasn't "allowed" to buy a house that he could afford. He had to buy what a white man would sell him. And it was overpriced and under-insured, and it was gov't that could enact fair housing regulations. And still as blacks move into neighborhoods that they could afford, white flight was still the order of the day. White's still want to discriminate in public access, schools, housing, jobs. There is discrimination in criminal justice, school sanctions, medicine, voting, housing and jobs. And I wonder, if you had less gov't, how much more discrimination would there be.

So what I hear when I hear about smaller govt. I hear a white man saying I want to live where I want without having to live next to blacks or Mexicans, I want to decide for myself without gov't intervention who to hire at my business cause I don't want to hire blacks if i don't want to. I want to have a business and have whom I want as a customer, I don't want to serve blacks if I don't want too. And gov't shouldn't be able to intervene into my associations to say who I must certify, whom can get into my business area. So to hell with smaller gov't, lets keep it the way it is.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


You know Newt Gingrich and the last insult he flung at the black community I feel needs a response. First of all you cowards if you want to say something about the black community, be a man and say what you mean. Identify whom you are talking about. Now what it seems to me you were trying to say was that poor blacks and poor black children don't have examples of people going out and working everyday. You seem to want to say that black parents set a poor example for a work ethic for their children. But Newt the black unemployment rate which is twice the national(white) average is around 16%, leaving 84% of black workers, working and paying taxes everyday. That's not counting the possible other 20% who have stopped looking for work because of disenfranchisement and other lingering discriminatory situations. But see, Newt there are probably twice as many white kids who's parents are on disability (white folks welfare) than black kids who's parents are on welfare. But that is not spoken about, but see how when I want to talk about white folks I say it. This is where polite(P) conversation(C) comes in. When you are with your little red-necked friends I'm sure there are other terms you use for to identify the black community, but those words in open public would get you smacked in the mouth. And we all know that the code word for black people is (those) people. And that is whom you referred to in your last insult (Those) people. So on behalf of those people let me say that you are wrong and I encourage every one to check this cat(Newt) and don't vote for him for president. He demonstrates a bigoted and racist attitude.


I saw a commercial on TV today by Bank of Amerikkka about how some of it's customers got their small business starts with the bank and that they have been loyal to B of A for 71 years. Did B of A loan money to blacks 71 years ago. Could a black person walk into a B of A 60 years ago and we wonder why so few hot dog stands are not owned by blacks. Maybe Bank of Amerikkka helped white folks buy them all up 71 years ago.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Those Republicans Again

I'm just not getting it. The repukes will have you believe that if taxes were lower that cooperation and the rich will produce more jobs. It has never happened and it never will. The would have you believe that if medicare was made into block grant funding that we will save money if seniors were given a voucher and were allowed to purchase medical care on the open market that we will be able to end medicare as we know it. Do you trust them. Sen McConnell has stated from the beginning that "we(repubkes) must stop Obama", and so far they have done just that. To suggest ending medcare and cutting food stamps to the poor, while giving tax breakes to the rich even refusing to end subsidies for executive jets is fucked up. So with that kind of thinking, I wouldn't vote for a republican if the democrats ran a monkey.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

!2 Things The Negro Must Do

12 Things The Negro (Black People) Must Do For Himself

1. The Negro Must Learn To Put First Things First. The First Things Are: Education; Development of Character Traits; A Trade and Home Ownership.

he Negro puts too much of his earning in clothes, in food, in show and in having what he calls 'a good time.' The Dr. Kelly Miller said, 'The Negro buys what he WANTS and begs for what he needs.'

2. The Negro Must Stop Expecting God and White Folk To Do For Him What He Can Do For Himself.

It is the 'Divine Plan' that the strong shall help the weak, but even God does not do for man what man can do for himself. The Negro will have to do exactly what Jesus told the man (in John 5:8) to do--Carry his own load--'Take up your bed and walk.'

3. The Negro Must Keep Himself, His Children And His Home Clean And Make The Surroundings In Which He Lives Comfortable and Attractive.

He must learn to 'run his community up'--not down. We can segregate by law, we integrate only by living. Civilization is not a matter of race, it is a matter of standards. Believe it or not--some day, some race is going to outdo the Anglo-Saxon, completely. It can be the Negro race, if the Negro gets sense enough. Civilization goes up and down that way.

4. The Negro Must Learn To Dress More Appropriately For Work And For Leisure.

Knowing what to wear--how to wear it--when to wear it and where to wear it, are earmarks of common sense, culture and also an index to character.

5. The Negro Must Make His Religion An Everyday Practice And Not Just A Sunday-Go-To Meeting Emotional Affair.

6. The Negro Must Highly Resolve To Wipe Out Mass Ignorance.

The leaders of the race must teach and inspire the masses to become eager and determined to improve mentally, morally and spiritually, and to meet the basic requirements of good citizenship. We should initiate an intensive literacy campaign in America, as well as in Africa. Ignorance is a millstone about the neck of the race. It is democracy's greatest burden. Social integration is a relationship attained as a result of the cultivation of kindred social ideals, interests and standards. It is a blending process that requires time, understanding and kindred purposes to achieve.. Likes alone and not laws can do it.

7. The Negro Must Stop Charging His Failures Up To His 'Color' And To White People's Attitude.

The truth of the matter is that good service and conduct will make senseless race prejudice fade like mist before the rising sun. God never intended that a man's color shall be anything other than a badge of distinction. It is high time that all races were earning that fact. The Negro must first QUALIFY for whatever position he wants. Purpose, initiative, ingenuity and industry are the keys that all men use to get what they want. The Negro will have to do the same. He must make himself a workman who is too skilled not to be wanted, and too DEPENDABLE not to be on the job, according to promise or plan. He will never become a vital factor in industry until he learns to put into his work the vitalizing force of initiative, skill and dependability. He has gone 'RIGHTS' mad and 'DUTY' dumb.

8. The Negro Must Overcome His Bad Job Habits.

He must make a brand new reputation for himself in the world of labor. His bad job habits are absenteeism, funerals to attend, or a little business to look after. The Negro runs an off and on business. He also has a bad reputation for co nduct on the job--such as petty quarreling with other help, incessant loud talking about nothing; loafing, carelessness, due to lack of job pride; insolence, gum chewing and--too often--liquor drinking. Just plain bad job habits!

9. He Must Improve His Conduct In Public Places.

Taken as a whole, he is entirely too loud and too ill-mannered. There is much talk about wiping out racial segregation and also much talk about achieving integration. Segregation is a physical arrangement by which people are separated in various services. It is definitely up to the Negro to wipe out the apparent justification or excuse for segregation. The only effective way to do it is to clean up and keep clean. By practice, cleanliness will become a habit and habit becomes character.

10. The Negro Must Learn How To Operate Business For People--Not For Negro People, Only.

To do business, he will have to remove all typical 'earmarks,' business principles; measure up to accepted standards and meet stimulating competition, graciously--in fact, he must learn to welcome competition.

11. The Average So-Called Educated Negro Will Have To Come Down Out Of The Air. He Is Too Inflated Over Nothing. He Needs An Experience Similar To The One That Ezekiel Had--(Ezekiel 3:14-19). And He Must Do What Ezekiel Did.

Otherwise, through indifference, as to the plight of the masses, the Negro, who thinks that he has escaped, will lose his own soul. It will do all leaders good to read Hebrews 13:3, and the first Thirty-seven Chapters of Ezekiel. A race transformation itself through its own leaders and its sensible 'common people.'

A race rises on its own wings, or is held down by its own weight. True leaders are never 'things apart from the people.' They are the masses. They simply got to the front ahead of them. Their only business at the front is to inspire to masses by hard work and noble example and challenge them to 'Come on!' Dante stated a fact when he said, 'Show the people the light and they will find the way!' There must arise within the Negro race a leadership that is not out hunting bargains for itself. A noble example is found in the men and women of the Negro race, who, in the early days, laid down their lives for the people. Their invaluable contributions have not been appraised by the 'latter-day leaders.' In many cases, their names would never be recorded, among the unsung heroes of the world, but for the fact that white friends have written them there. 'Lord, God of Hosts, Be with us yet.'The Negro of today does not realize that, but, for these exhibits A's, that certainly show the innate possibilities of members of their own race, white people would not have been moved to make such princely investments in lives and money, as they have made, for the establishment of schools and for the on-going of the race.

12. The Negro Must Stop Forgetting His Friends.'Remember.'

Read Deuteronomy 24:18. Deuteronomy rings the big bell of gratitude. Why? Because an ingrate is an abomination in the sight of God. God is constantly telling us that 'I the Lord thy God delivered you'--through human instrumentalities. The American Negro has had and still has friends--in the North and in the South. These friends not only pray, speak, write, influence others, but make unbelievable, unpublished sacrifices and contributions for the advancement of the race--for their brothers in bonds. The noblest thing that the Negro can do is to so live and labor that these benefactors will not have given in vain. The Negro must make his heart warm with gratitude, his lips sweet with thanks and his heart and mind resolute with purpose to justify the sacrifices and stand on his feet and go forward--'God is no respector of persons. In every nation, he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is' sure to win out. Get to work! That's the answer to everything that hurt s us. We talk too much about nothing instead of redeeming the time by working.

R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R In spite of race prejudice, America is brim full of opportunities. Go after them! And, this was written in the early 1900's! The more things change the more they stay the same.

God loves you and so do I.

This very important essay written in the early 1900's by a black woman upon reading and digesting its contents without bias, burnt my soul and brought tears to my eyes. The writer by name Nannie Helen Burroughs, was really prophetic in all her observations concerning the atttitudinal shortcomings and failings of the global black race.It is al shame that her observations of more a century ago pales into insignificance when compared to the present nature and status of the global black community vis-a-vis other racial groups. She directed her observations at the African-American society which happens to be her community but the theme of her essay (observations?) rings true for all black men and women in all corners of the world. Worse, the African-American community of present times represents a modern day example of the brutishness, nastiness, and shortness of man's life in a state of nature!But why should the black race come last in all indices of human development measurements? Are we as black people forbidden from assuming leadership position even in just one positive aspect of human existence?


William Ezeh, lives and writes from Princeton, New Jersey. Readers reactions are very welcomed.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lets Kick Some Ass

The republicans have been pushing us around long enough, lets get out there and kick some ass.

Friday, April 1, 2011

They Got a Lotta Nerve

My insurance company is Progressive. They got a lotta nerve. My payment for my auto insurance went up. They didn't call me or send me some kinda notice that my payment was going up, they just increased my payment and because I have an automatic bank deduction, it was taken out. And that is a lotta fuckin nerve. They tell you that you are paying $50 bucks and then all of a sudden they just take out another $15 dollars. The lady said the rates in Ohio went up. I don't drive for Ohio, I drive for me. They just reached in my pocket and took what they wanted. I could have used that money to buy me some fish or go to the waffle house. But no my insurance company took it. And they didn't even ask me. This kinda shit has got to stop. If it happens again, I will be lookin for another insurance company. That really bugs me, the nerve of them.

Monday, March 7, 2011

How Stupid do You have to be.

The other day I was in a Paltalk chat room in the Social Issues section and I asked a room of conservatives some who happened to be Birthers "How stupid do you have to be to be a Birther". Of course I was immediately kick out of the room for 24 hours.

But let me take this one step further. Some things I believe and some I don't, depending on the supporting information I have to go along with it. Was 911 an inside job. for me that is still a toss up, because of the information that is out there. Of all the presidential candidates, I have never heard of one being asked to for proof of citizenship. But a Birther would have you believe that Barrack Obama was born in Kenya, spirited here to amerikkka his birth faked in Hawaii in 1952, lived, went to school, college, elected to the Senate and voted President of the United States with a hidden agenda to destroy amerikkka. And the proof is that he doesn't have a birth certificate.

So given the information available my question stands. For you people who believe that Barrack Obama was born in Kenya, How stupid do you have to be to be a birther.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nothing New

When 21 yr old Jessica Gamble

made a video of her 2 year old smoking marijuana many thought what a stupid mother she was. What had to be going through her mind. Why would she do such a thing. As if she is the only person to do such a thing. Stupid shit is done everyday by all sorts of people and they don't have to be young people. Now I know that we all know that this woman is not giving this baby Henny, but I'll bet some simple minded prosecutor or some over zealous social worker would have this woman in jail by now given the picture above. And this is not a 21 yr old, just goes to show some of us will do some really dumb shit or a picture can make it appear that way.

Friday, January 14, 2011

AZ shooter

Just listened to a rambling made by the Az shooter and this kid was a nut. But whats with all the constitutional talk that he is using. Where did that all come from. Could it be from all the Tea baggers and the likes of Sarah Palin that feeds this kind of ideas.

Its not that Palin had anything to do with this nut bag shooting those people. But did she and the rest of the tea baggers have some part in creating the atmosphere of taking our country back by saying the ballot or the bullet. When Malcolm said that he was accused of talking about violence. Which gave the civil rights movement a violent aspect to it. What does lock and load refer to, guns or voting machines. Don't you know the difference.

I take it that if you keep refering to targeting democrats(blacks) and locking and loading(guns) and taking 'our country'(white folks) back. It makes me nervous. I read in a Atl paper the other day where they talked about whites leaving the Democratic party for the Republican and Tea parties and leaving the Democratic party to the "urban environment". It has always been my belief that the democratic party was filled with progressive whites with educations and minorities and that the republican party was filled with conservative whites and ignorant rednecks.

So I think that if the conversation keeps being surrounded with the talk about constitutions, and taking something from someone where you have to lock and load. Don't be surprised when someone goes out and shoots their enemy or who they perceive is their enemy because code words and code phrases have been used to create an atmosphere for these things to happen.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tea Baggers-White Supremist One in the Same

Probe examines possible link to anti-gov't group

WASHINGTON (AP) — An official familiar with the Arizona shooting investigation says local authorities are looking at a possible connection between Jared Loughner and an online group known for its anti-government rhetoric.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing investigation, says this is one of several motives that local authorities are pursuing in the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz.

The anti-government organization American Renaissance is connected to the white supremacist New Century Foundation, according to an analysis by the Southern Poverty Law Center, an Alabama-based group that tracks hate crimes.

Members typically espouse anti-Semitic and anti-government views. Loughner's online postings include language that is in line with such beliefs.