Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tea Bagger (GOP) Position

It has been pointed out that here in Cincinnati, Ohio that from 2006 until now(2010) the city has spent 8 Billion dollars on public projects. But black business has benefited from that business at a rate of 1%. Black people are 46% of the population and has benefited only 1%.

What is the Teabagger or GOP's position on this issue. How would they go about solving this discrepancy. Let us not forget that prior to the 60's black business was not allowed by omission of law to participate in business against white companies so white companies used to get 100% of city contracts. Now with the inclusion granted by law black business still has had to fight to be included in the right for equal consideration in awarding of contracts by the city and govt contracts. So for 40 years the free market place has not worked. Is this because of education, height, literacy, desire or could it be race. Lets be truthful and pick something, 46% of the population is too un-educated, too short, can't read, don't have the desire to work or they are not the right race. Because there is something wrong here and it is caused by something and it has to be solved.

So far the Teabaggers (GOP) have whined about the debt, big govt, and socialism and none of that affects me. Black unemployment is 45% for AA males 18-45, maybe because there are no jobs in the black community or because black business isn't being allowed to grow because they can't get above 1% of govt contracts. And the GOP interfered with unemployment payments because they maybe thought that it negatively affecting those lazy folks that live off the govt dole and long as they were getting a check they wouldn't look for work. But when they found out the white folks hurt the worst from not getting unemployment checks they decided to let it pass. Because unemployment among blacks has been that high for the past 10 years, and we stopped getting checks a long time ago.

So the Teabaggers (GOP) talk about high taxes, I don't worry bout that cause I don't have a job or business, the debt which has no affect on me, big govt again which doesn't affect me and after living in a state of racism/white supremacy who cares about socialism. And who cares about a group of people who don't have your interest at heart. But complain about the people who might do something for your situation.

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