Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Not again

Fox News seems to have done it again. In another attempt to make the black community look bad the same clown that brought you the ACORN pimp scam, has posted another video clip of Ms Shirley Sherrod giving a speech to the NAACP and took about 2:26 out of a 48:00 minute speech as somehow proof that the NAACP is racist. The sad part is that this clown Breitbart did the same thing when he messed up the pimp scam video and he still maintains the credibility for Fox to pick up on anything else that he has done as a basis for a story. To top that off scarry negroes run and come against Ms Sherrod as if the information from this clown is true. The White House dogs her out, her boss fires her and then they all have to take it back when they find out that the information they were working from was doctored. Lesson, check your sources. If Breitbart was a clown the first time why trust anything that this goofy white boys has to say. Now the black community looks really weak, jumping at the first thing that some white man comes out to say against a black person in an attempt to somehow exhonerate themselves from their racist past and now make the victim the perpetrator. If a black person choses to be prejudice against a white person, they do so for past discriminations that they were subjected to. So as you sow, shall you also reap.

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