Friday, November 5, 2010

What's behind the Tea Party's ire?

By Eugene Robinson

Tuesday, November 2, 2010;

The first African American president takes office, and almost immediately we see the birth of a big, passionate national movement - overwhelmingly white and lavishly funded - that tries its best to delegitimize that president, seeks to thwart his every initiative, and manages to bring the discredited and moribund opposition party roaring back to life. Coincidence?
Not a chance. But also not that simple.

First, I'll state the obvious: It's not racist to criticize President Obama, it's not racist to have conservative views, and it's not racist to join the Tea Party. But there's something about the nature and tone of the most vitriolic attacks on the president that I believe is distinctive - and difficult to explain without asking whether race is playing a role.
One thing that struck me from the beginning about the Tea Party rhetoric is the idea of reclaiming something that has been taken away.

At a recent campaign rally in Paducah, Ky., Senate candidate Rand Paul, a darling of the Tea Party movement, drew thunderous applause when he said that if Republicans win, "we get to go to Washington and take back our government."

Take it back from whom? Maybe he thinks it goes without saying, because he didn't say.
On Sunday, in a last-minute fundraising appeal, Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee implored his supporters to help "return American government to the American people."
Again, who's in possession of the government, if not the American people? The non-American people? The un-American people?

There's an obvious answer, but it's one that generally comes from the progressive end of the political spectrum: Americans must fight to take back their government from the lobbyists and big-money special interests that shape our laws to suit their own interests, not for the good of the nation.

That may be what some Tea Partiers have in mind, but the movement hasn't seen fit to make campaign finance reform one of its major issues. And the establishment Republicans who are surfing the Tea Party wave - while at the same time scheming to co-opt the movement - would view the idea of taking money out of politics with horror, if they thought it might actually happen.
So who stole the government? What makes some people feel more disenfranchised now than they were, say, during the presidency of George W. Bush?
After all, it was Bush who inherited a budget surplus and left behind a suffocating deficit - I'm not being tendentious, just stating the facts. It was Bush who launched two wars without making any provision in the budget to pay for them, who proposed and won an expensive new prescription-drug entitlement without paying for it, who bailed out irresponsible Wall Street firms with the $700 billion TARP program.

Bush was vilified by critics while he was in office but not with the suggestion that somehow the government had been seized or usurped - that it had fallen into hands that were not those of "the American people." Yet this is the Tea Party suggestion about Obama.
Underlying all the Tea Party's issues and complaints, it appears to me, is the entirely legitimate issue of the relationship between the individual and the federal government. But why would this concern about oppressive, intrusive government become so acute now? Why didn't, say, government surveillance of domestic phone calls and e-mails get the constitutional fundamentalists all worked up?

I have to wonder what it is about Obama that provokes and sustains all this Tea Party ire. I wonder how he can be seen as "elitist," when he grew up in modest circumstances - his mother was on food stamps for a time - and paid for his fancy-pants education with student loans. I wonder how people who genuinely cherish the American dream can look at a man who lived that dream and feel no connection, no empathy.

I ask myself what's so different about Obama, and the answer is pretty obvious: He's black. For whatever reason, I think this makes some people unsettled, anxious, even suspicious - witness the willingness of so many to believe absurd conspiracy theories about Obama's birthplace, his religion and even his absent father's supposed Svengali-like influence from the grave.
Obama has made mistakes that rightly cost him political support. But I can't help believing that the Tea Party's rise was partly due to circumstances beyond his control - that he's different from other presidents, and that the difference is his race.

»Columnist & Associate Editor| Eugene Robinson is an Associate Editor and twice-weekly columnist for The Washington Post. His column appears on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Equal Justice Under the Law

How is justice equal when a mother forgets her child and the child dies and no charges are brought against her and another mother forgets her child, the child suffers no harm but she is charged with child endangerment and other charges and given jail time.

How does a prosecutor bring charges against the latter mother in light of the fact that he didn't bring charges against the former. How does that happen. What can the public do to ensure equal justice. First we get rid of the prosecutor who made such a blunder.

It seems to me that the prosecutor has given up the right to prosecute anyone for child endangerment who's child has suffered no harm when he has allowed justice not to have been brought against one who's child has died, because of true endangerment, "she forgot", bullshit.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

You Got the answer......

You got it. 2 black police officers(overseers). This was about 4pm and police passed this man all day long. But it took 2 black officers to stop, question and make this brother stop what he was doing to put food on his table. I had to say something so I said to a young man that was standing nearby "of all the people to harass this brother it has to be 2 black officers, why". What do you all think.

No matter how hard we try....

The unemployment level in the city of Cincinnati Ohio is about 9.6% or for the black males 48%. So for as hard as it is for a black man to make a living for himself, here is one who tried. He bought this from a white boy who cleaned cars and who nows owns his own detailing shop. He was sitting across from my building washing cars for $10 dollars. The car he was washing was behind him. So he took up 2 parking spaces. Police travel this street all day long and I'm sure they would have seen this young man washing cars. He has a vendors licence, his equipment and he cleans about 10 cars a day or 17 on a good day. What would keep this young man from cleaning cars making a living for himself.

Friday, September 3, 2010

No felony charges for officer in park death

Words do not express how disappointed I am in this decision. You can not be this stupid not to see that this officer deserves some form of retribution for the death of Ms Burton. He doesn't deserve to be a police officer and should be put in jail. I just don't know what to say. I just want to log my voice as one that is against what has happened here.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Why is it that some think that you should do as I say not as I do. Freedom of religion gives one the right to build a house of worship wherever their money and the law allows. Now lets cut to the butter. In the past 20 years the most white folks know about Muslims and Islam is that Black faction headed by the Honorable Min Louis Farakhan that is here in amerikkka. So their base of reference is in their prejudice against blacks. Especially a group that they consider anti white.

After so many years of allowing Arabs to enter amerikkka. Now that some Arabs have attacked amerikkka from within, white folks prejudice has somehow labeled these Arabs, Muslims and it has become the religion of Islam that is against amerikkka. So now it's time to limit the rights given to us by the constitution because we (who is "we") don't want a mosque to be built near ground zero. That's how you know its white folks they call themselves "we" and "our". Because we all know that blacks folks have always been know as "those" people or "them".

There is a lot of talk about how Islam wants to destroy amerikkka and what better way to accomplish that than destroying the rights the constitution offers us all. Islam has already defeated amerikkka. It has her wanting to change the rights of her people because some Arabs attacked her and white folks now want to prevent them from building a mosque near where the attack happened.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I Didn't Do It, It Wasn't Me!!!

Where do we start. I was listening to a program and the moderator was talking about how he wasn't racist. Will a white person ever admit that they are racist. What will it take to get a white person to admit that they are a racist. Why do most whites say something when the discussion of racism is brought up. If you are not racist, why do you find it necessary to come to the aid of racist.

Lets say for example that the Obama race card is played during a conversation. And it is pointed out the the TeaParty racist are at it again. And Phil the non racist is listening, why would Phil come to the aid of the racist Tea Partier, as if you called him by name. His first argument is why are you playing the race card, then we have the disclaimer about I'm not a racist and then he goes about assisting to argue on the racist's side. Is it that you identify with being white so much that you consider any attack on a white racist is also an attack on you or is it that deep down inside in the parts that you don't have those discussions that there really is a racist inside and you feel his pain.

Let us define racist, racism, discrimination, bigot, bias, prejudice. From my understanding, prejudice is having a judgement without information, bias is knowing some information about but still having a negative opinion, bigot is not liking a person of another race, discrimination is making a choice based upon one's likes or dislikes, racism is thinking that one race is better than another race, and racist, an individual or entity based on their racial preference who has the power to negatively affect one's outcome based on their bias', prejudice, and discriminatory objectives.

So next time there is a conversation about those racist drug laws, see where you fit in before attempting to protect laws that give blacks more prison time than it does their white counterpart. Or the next time a TeaBagger comes up and says something stupid such as "those people need to get out and find a job, and get off welfare", when referring to inner city blacks, be careful because they might make you sound like you would be a racist if given the chance.

Finally, can black folks be racist. No. according to the definition blacks can't keep white people from getting a job, buying a house, starting a business or going to a school. But white people control jobs, housing, business, and schools and as such control weather blacks have access to these things.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tea Bagger (GOP) Position

It has been pointed out that here in Cincinnati, Ohio that from 2006 until now(2010) the city has spent 8 Billion dollars on public projects. But black business has benefited from that business at a rate of 1%. Black people are 46% of the population and has benefited only 1%.

What is the Teabagger or GOP's position on this issue. How would they go about solving this discrepancy. Let us not forget that prior to the 60's black business was not allowed by omission of law to participate in business against white companies so white companies used to get 100% of city contracts. Now with the inclusion granted by law black business still has had to fight to be included in the right for equal consideration in awarding of contracts by the city and govt contracts. So for 40 years the free market place has not worked. Is this because of education, height, literacy, desire or could it be race. Lets be truthful and pick something, 46% of the population is too un-educated, too short, can't read, don't have the desire to work or they are not the right race. Because there is something wrong here and it is caused by something and it has to be solved.

So far the Teabaggers (GOP) have whined about the debt, big govt, and socialism and none of that affects me. Black unemployment is 45% for AA males 18-45, maybe because there are no jobs in the black community or because black business isn't being allowed to grow because they can't get above 1% of govt contracts. And the GOP interfered with unemployment payments because they maybe thought that it negatively affecting those lazy folks that live off the govt dole and long as they were getting a check they wouldn't look for work. But when they found out the white folks hurt the worst from not getting unemployment checks they decided to let it pass. Because unemployment among blacks has been that high for the past 10 years, and we stopped getting checks a long time ago.

So the Teabaggers (GOP) talk about high taxes, I don't worry bout that cause I don't have a job or business, the debt which has no affect on me, big govt again which doesn't affect me and after living in a state of racism/white supremacy who cares about socialism. And who cares about a group of people who don't have your interest at heart. But complain about the people who might do something for your situation.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Not again

Fox News seems to have done it again. In another attempt to make the black community look bad the same clown that brought you the ACORN pimp scam, has posted another video clip of Ms Shirley Sherrod giving a speech to the NAACP and took about 2:26 out of a 48:00 minute speech as somehow proof that the NAACP is racist. The sad part is that this clown Breitbart did the same thing when he messed up the pimp scam video and he still maintains the credibility for Fox to pick up on anything else that he has done as a basis for a story. To top that off scarry negroes run and come against Ms Sherrod as if the information from this clown is true. The White House dogs her out, her boss fires her and then they all have to take it back when they find out that the information they were working from was doctored. Lesson, check your sources. If Breitbart was a clown the first time why trust anything that this goofy white boys has to say. Now the black community looks really weak, jumping at the first thing that some white man comes out to say against a black person in an attempt to somehow exhonerate themselves from their racist past and now make the victim the perpetrator. If a black person choses to be prejudice against a white person, they do so for past discriminations that they were subjected to. So as you sow, shall you also reap.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Getting The Racist Out

This is what the NAACP was talking about. The racist fringe that is a part of the tea party.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

TeaBagger Turn

The Tea Party is always asking someone to repudiate some person or organization. Now it is the Tea Parties turn to repudiate something. The NAACP has asked the Tea Party to repudiate those racist factions that show up at their protests and rallies. Prevent them from using their racially charged signs and rhetoric. Tell them that they are not welcome at Tea Party functions. The Tea Party has said on may occasions that if someone associates with socialist or muslims that they are a socialist or a muslim. So if the Tea Party associates with racist then they must be racist. Guilt by association.