Monday, December 26, 2011

Smaller Government

What are these people talking about when they talk about smaller gov't. They want to be able to do as they please without govt intervention. They want more personal responsibility.

Let us remember, slavery was ended in 1865 and for the next 100 years blacks were discriminated against and it took gov't to make a social change. Prior to 1965 when gov't was smaller, whites discriminated against blacks at will. Now that white people own 99.9% of business and the means of living they want to talk about, smaller gov't again. It was gov't that was the only thing that was big enough to make states desegregate schools. Because whites refused to let blacks go to the school of their choice. It was gov't that was the only entity big enough to make business give a black man a job or an equal oppritunity and they didn't want to do that. It was gov't that made some states give blacks the "right" to vote and they are still trying to take away minority voting rights. It was gov't that had to ensure public accommodations, and we are still removing white only signs. It took gov't to ensure that a black man recieved fair treatment under the law. And no-one can tell you that to this day that, discrimination, racial prejudice and bigotry is gone, so whites continue to discriminate to this day. A black man wasn't "allowed" to buy a house that he could afford. He had to buy what a white man would sell him. And it was overpriced and under-insured, and it was gov't that could enact fair housing regulations. And still as blacks move into neighborhoods that they could afford, white flight was still the order of the day. White's still want to discriminate in public access, schools, housing, jobs. There is discrimination in criminal justice, school sanctions, medicine, voting, housing and jobs. And I wonder, if you had less gov't, how much more discrimination would there be.

So what I hear when I hear about smaller govt. I hear a white man saying I want to live where I want without having to live next to blacks or Mexicans, I want to decide for myself without gov't intervention who to hire at my business cause I don't want to hire blacks if i don't want to. I want to have a business and have whom I want as a customer, I don't want to serve blacks if I don't want too. And gov't shouldn't be able to intervene into my associations to say who I must certify, whom can get into my business area. So to hell with smaller gov't, lets keep it the way it is.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


You know Newt Gingrich and the last insult he flung at the black community I feel needs a response. First of all you cowards if you want to say something about the black community, be a man and say what you mean. Identify whom you are talking about. Now what it seems to me you were trying to say was that poor blacks and poor black children don't have examples of people going out and working everyday. You seem to want to say that black parents set a poor example for a work ethic for their children. But Newt the black unemployment rate which is twice the national(white) average is around 16%, leaving 84% of black workers, working and paying taxes everyday. That's not counting the possible other 20% who have stopped looking for work because of disenfranchisement and other lingering discriminatory situations. But see, Newt there are probably twice as many white kids who's parents are on disability (white folks welfare) than black kids who's parents are on welfare. But that is not spoken about, but see how when I want to talk about white folks I say it. This is where polite(P) conversation(C) comes in. When you are with your little red-necked friends I'm sure there are other terms you use for to identify the black community, but those words in open public would get you smacked in the mouth. And we all know that the code word for black people is (those) people. And that is whom you referred to in your last insult (Those) people. So on behalf of those people let me say that you are wrong and I encourage every one to check this cat(Newt) and don't vote for him for president. He demonstrates a bigoted and racist attitude.


I saw a commercial on TV today by Bank of Amerikkka about how some of it's customers got their small business starts with the bank and that they have been loyal to B of A for 71 years. Did B of A loan money to blacks 71 years ago. Could a black person walk into a B of A 60 years ago and we wonder why so few hot dog stands are not owned by blacks. Maybe Bank of Amerikkka helped white folks buy them all up 71 years ago.