Saturday, March 10, 2012

Should 2-Short apologize

Short I'm ashamed of you bro, for cavin in at the complaints from these lames. They asked you for your opinion of what you thought was real. Now you have given your soul away or you been bull-shittin the game. A main stream magazine asked you a question about what would you tell a young boy about some gutter, backstreet shit. They asked you to reveal a conversation that is normally had in an alley. And because some didn't like it they want to chastise you and have you apologize. Fuck that, if they messed up and put some gutter shit in their magazine trying to be slick. Let them retract what they printed, you should have never had to bow down to what someone else didn't like. Next time don't ask you about what would you tell a young man about the game. Because they might not like the truth that you reveal. You know brothers have been taking it on the chin and haven't spoken back. Well lets try this shit on for size. Dream as talking about the affects of pulling a girls top off, and how traumatic it is. Lets talk about trauma. Who initiates the game of house. who initiates the game of Mommy and daddy, Who assigns roles and who initiates "let me see your thing, thing" cause girls ain't got nothing to see, So they touch it and it feels good, and for the rest of your life a boy is after them girls just hoping they would touch his thing. For the rest of his life he spends trying to get the attention of little girls. Through his youth up until he's an old man. All because Eve wanted to touch Adams apple. So you got played Bru, pimp you are not, because a true pimp would have stood for his convictions. And if somebody didn't like what was said, they shouldn't have asked. You should never have to apologize for the truth, Truth stands on it's own. So now go find you manhood cause you got punked. Wow.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day late Dollar short.

How can you call already existing requirement new legislation. There is nothing new about educational and job requirements for section 8. Nor is a 5 year time limit new, these are just things that the system hasn't enforced while administrators of the program sit on their duffs collecting fat pay checks. how bout firing some of the dead beat administrators that have not be doing their jobs for so many years. Or is it just easier to pick on poor people. And Green township wants to load the board with 2 more commissioners after fighting so hard to keep CMHA out of their township. I say lets get rid of section 8 all together and lets see if some of these landlords can get $650 bucks for some of the crap that HUD subsidises them with, calling it market value. And lets see what all them CMHA workers do when they have no job and join the underemployed like most residents of CMHA.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Regular Shit and Bullshit

I've been watching the fight going on over gay and lesbian marriage and it seems that people have forgotten some basic things. First of all let me make this clear, i'm not a homophob, but I don't have a lot of tolerance for bullshit. what you do in your bedroom at night is your business. but don't bring that shit in the light of day and try and convince me that it is regular shit. You have a right to do any old dirty freaky shit you want but some of that shit needs to be "kept in the closet".
Now people have been getting married for ages, that's regular shit. Boys have been doing boys for ages that's regular shit. But boys marring boys, that's some shit that just started and that's bullshit. You know some folks want to take some shit too far. Here's one that has four kids and now she's a lesbian. What she just hiding the fact that she's a hoe, so doing it with girls people won't call her that. She's not a lesbian, she's confused. But either way that's bullshit and as such marriage shouldn't be in the picture.
So I think we can agree, boys marrying boys and girls marrying girls is not regular shit. So keep that bullshit in the bedroom and lets not try and make it regular shit.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My President

1. Osama bin laden, dead...check
2. Unemployment rate 8.5%...check.
3. 1.6 million jobs created with no GOP help...check
4. 22 months of job and economic growth with no help...check
5. Ended war in Iraq ...check
6. DADT repeal...check
7. Not one tax hike in 3 years....check
8. Brought out the rascism in the Gop...and america in general...check
9. Still carry 80% of the black vote...check
10. Same wife for 15 years with no extra marital affairs...check
11. Saved the auto industry and 1.5 million jobs.. check
12. Assisted in ousting Khaddafi...check
13. Only active President to receive Nobel Peace prize while in office...check.
14. Mortgage modification to prevent home owners from losing their homes...check
15. STILL fighting for middle class families...check.
16. Reform of healthcare...check. ----->

Despite what the GOP would have you believe, the President has been doing these things and more by himself. Obama 2012

Monday, December 26, 2011

Smaller Government

What are these people talking about when they talk about smaller gov't. They want to be able to do as they please without govt intervention. They want more personal responsibility.

Let us remember, slavery was ended in 1865 and for the next 100 years blacks were discriminated against and it took gov't to make a social change. Prior to 1965 when gov't was smaller, whites discriminated against blacks at will. Now that white people own 99.9% of business and the means of living they want to talk about, smaller gov't again. It was gov't that was the only thing that was big enough to make states desegregate schools. Because whites refused to let blacks go to the school of their choice. It was gov't that was the only entity big enough to make business give a black man a job or an equal oppritunity and they didn't want to do that. It was gov't that made some states give blacks the "right" to vote and they are still trying to take away minority voting rights. It was gov't that had to ensure public accommodations, and we are still removing white only signs. It took gov't to ensure that a black man recieved fair treatment under the law. And no-one can tell you that to this day that, discrimination, racial prejudice and bigotry is gone, so whites continue to discriminate to this day. A black man wasn't "allowed" to buy a house that he could afford. He had to buy what a white man would sell him. And it was overpriced and under-insured, and it was gov't that could enact fair housing regulations. And still as blacks move into neighborhoods that they could afford, white flight was still the order of the day. White's still want to discriminate in public access, schools, housing, jobs. There is discrimination in criminal justice, school sanctions, medicine, voting, housing and jobs. And I wonder, if you had less gov't, how much more discrimination would there be.

So what I hear when I hear about smaller govt. I hear a white man saying I want to live where I want without having to live next to blacks or Mexicans, I want to decide for myself without gov't intervention who to hire at my business cause I don't want to hire blacks if i don't want to. I want to have a business and have whom I want as a customer, I don't want to serve blacks if I don't want too. And gov't shouldn't be able to intervene into my associations to say who I must certify, whom can get into my business area. So to hell with smaller gov't, lets keep it the way it is.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


You know Newt Gingrich and the last insult he flung at the black community I feel needs a response. First of all you cowards if you want to say something about the black community, be a man and say what you mean. Identify whom you are talking about. Now what it seems to me you were trying to say was that poor blacks and poor black children don't have examples of people going out and working everyday. You seem to want to say that black parents set a poor example for a work ethic for their children. But Newt the black unemployment rate which is twice the national(white) average is around 16%, leaving 84% of black workers, working and paying taxes everyday. That's not counting the possible other 20% who have stopped looking for work because of disenfranchisement and other lingering discriminatory situations. But see, Newt there are probably twice as many white kids who's parents are on disability (white folks welfare) than black kids who's parents are on welfare. But that is not spoken about, but see how when I want to talk about white folks I say it. This is where polite(P) conversation(C) comes in. When you are with your little red-necked friends I'm sure there are other terms you use for to identify the black community, but those words in open public would get you smacked in the mouth. And we all know that the code word for black people is (those) people. And that is whom you referred to in your last insult (Those) people. So on behalf of those people let me say that you are wrong and I encourage every one to check this cat(Newt) and don't vote for him for president. He demonstrates a bigoted and racist attitude.


I saw a commercial on TV today by Bank of Amerikkka about how some of it's customers got their small business starts with the bank and that they have been loyal to B of A for 71 years. Did B of A loan money to blacks 71 years ago. Could a black person walk into a B of A 60 years ago and we wonder why so few hot dog stands are not owned by blacks. Maybe Bank of Amerikkka helped white folks buy them all up 71 years ago.