Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nothing New

When 21 yr old Jessica Gamble

made a video of her 2 year old smoking marijuana many thought what a stupid mother she was. What had to be going through her mind. Why would she do such a thing. As if she is the only person to do such a thing. Stupid shit is done everyday by all sorts of people and they don't have to be young people. Now I know that we all know that this woman is not giving this baby Henny, but I'll bet some simple minded prosecutor or some over zealous social worker would have this woman in jail by now given the picture above. And this is not a 21 yr old, just goes to show some of us will do some really dumb shit or a picture can make it appear that way.

Friday, January 14, 2011

AZ shooter

Just listened to a rambling made by the Az shooter and this kid was a nut. But whats with all the constitutional talk that he is using. Where did that all come from. Could it be from all the Tea baggers and the likes of Sarah Palin that feeds this kind of ideas.

Its not that Palin had anything to do with this nut bag shooting those people. But did she and the rest of the tea baggers have some part in creating the atmosphere of taking our country back by saying the ballot or the bullet. When Malcolm said that he was accused of talking about violence. Which gave the civil rights movement a violent aspect to it. What does lock and load refer to, guns or voting machines. Don't you know the difference.

I take it that if you keep refering to targeting democrats(blacks) and locking and loading(guns) and taking 'our country'(white folks) back. It makes me nervous. I read in a Atl paper the other day where they talked about whites leaving the Democratic party for the Republican and Tea parties and leaving the Democratic party to the "urban environment". It has always been my belief that the democratic party was filled with progressive whites with educations and minorities and that the republican party was filled with conservative whites and ignorant rednecks.

So I think that if the conversation keeps being surrounded with the talk about constitutions, and taking something from someone where you have to lock and load. Don't be surprised when someone goes out and shoots their enemy or who they perceive is their enemy because code words and code phrases have been used to create an atmosphere for these things to happen.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tea Baggers-White Supremist One in the Same

Probe examines possible link to anti-gov't group

WASHINGTON (AP) — An official familiar with the Arizona shooting investigation says local authorities are looking at a possible connection between Jared Loughner and an online group known for its anti-government rhetoric.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing investigation, says this is one of several motives that local authorities are pursuing in the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz.

The anti-government organization American Renaissance is connected to the white supremacist New Century Foundation, according to an analysis by the Southern Poverty Law Center, an Alabama-based group that tracks hate crimes.

Members typically espouse anti-Semitic and anti-government views. Loughner's online postings include language that is in line with such beliefs.