Sunday, August 22, 2010


Why is it that some think that you should do as I say not as I do. Freedom of religion gives one the right to build a house of worship wherever their money and the law allows. Now lets cut to the butter. In the past 20 years the most white folks know about Muslims and Islam is that Black faction headed by the Honorable Min Louis Farakhan that is here in amerikkka. So their base of reference is in their prejudice against blacks. Especially a group that they consider anti white.

After so many years of allowing Arabs to enter amerikkka. Now that some Arabs have attacked amerikkka from within, white folks prejudice has somehow labeled these Arabs, Muslims and it has become the religion of Islam that is against amerikkka. So now it's time to limit the rights given to us by the constitution because we (who is "we") don't want a mosque to be built near ground zero. That's how you know its white folks they call themselves "we" and "our". Because we all know that blacks folks have always been know as "those" people or "them".

There is a lot of talk about how Islam wants to destroy amerikkka and what better way to accomplish that than destroying the rights the constitution offers us all. Islam has already defeated amerikkka. It has her wanting to change the rights of her people because some Arabs attacked her and white folks now want to prevent them from building a mosque near where the attack happened.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I Didn't Do It, It Wasn't Me!!!

Where do we start. I was listening to a program and the moderator was talking about how he wasn't racist. Will a white person ever admit that they are racist. What will it take to get a white person to admit that they are a racist. Why do most whites say something when the discussion of racism is brought up. If you are not racist, why do you find it necessary to come to the aid of racist.

Lets say for example that the Obama race card is played during a conversation. And it is pointed out the the TeaParty racist are at it again. And Phil the non racist is listening, why would Phil come to the aid of the racist Tea Partier, as if you called him by name. His first argument is why are you playing the race card, then we have the disclaimer about I'm not a racist and then he goes about assisting to argue on the racist's side. Is it that you identify with being white so much that you consider any attack on a white racist is also an attack on you or is it that deep down inside in the parts that you don't have those discussions that there really is a racist inside and you feel his pain.

Let us define racist, racism, discrimination, bigot, bias, prejudice. From my understanding, prejudice is having a judgement without information, bias is knowing some information about but still having a negative opinion, bigot is not liking a person of another race, discrimination is making a choice based upon one's likes or dislikes, racism is thinking that one race is better than another race, and racist, an individual or entity based on their racial preference who has the power to negatively affect one's outcome based on their bias', prejudice, and discriminatory objectives.

So next time there is a conversation about those racist drug laws, see where you fit in before attempting to protect laws that give blacks more prison time than it does their white counterpart. Or the next time a TeaBagger comes up and says something stupid such as "those people need to get out and find a job, and get off welfare", when referring to inner city blacks, be careful because they might make you sound like you would be a racist if given the chance.

Finally, can black folks be racist. No. according to the definition blacks can't keep white people from getting a job, buying a house, starting a business or going to a school. But white people control jobs, housing, business, and schools and as such control weather blacks have access to these things.